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News, Grants & Funding, The L.A. Trust, Partners Maryjane Puffer News, Grants & Funding, The L.A. Trust, Partners Maryjane Puffer

Eight major grants will power The L.A. Trust’s mission


New grants will fuel objectives of The L.A. Trust, including youth engagement. Participants in this year’s Youth to Youth Summit shown above. 


The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health is pleased to announce a series of grants that will help the organization meet its mission in the coming month and years. “During this global health crisis, the world needs these givers more than ever,” said Anna Baum, director of development and communications for The L.A. Trust. “We’re grateful they have placed their trust in us.” 

Baum reported:

The Weingart Foundation is supporting our mission with a $125,000 unrestricted operating support grant which we plan to use to support organizational planning and staff development as well as the Data xChange. We’re very pleased to partner with this foundation for the first time, which has helped nonprofits reach underserved communities for over 50 years.  

We’re very happy to announce another first-time partnership, with UniHealth Foundation to further work on our groundbreaking Data xChange.  UniHealth has been supporting nonprofit, community-based hospitals and health organizations for over 20 years. This two-year, $200,000 grant will allow us to continue integrating Wellness Network health services data with LAUSD academic data. 

Two major forces in the Los Angeles area healthcare arena have stepped up to provide relief to teens through a new initiative to be deployed next school year: The L.A. Trust’s School-Based Mental Health Education & Awareness Program. Health Net committed $50,000 and Cedars-Sinai $100,000 to this program, which is in the planning phase. By building capacity among students as peer leaders through our Student Advisory Boards, the program seeks to increase awareness of symptoms like anxiety and depression, and to increase positive coping mechanisms as well as self-referrals to care. The mental health crisis among our underserved youth can only be addressed through the prescience and generosity of funders like Cedars-Sinai and Health Net.  

The Annenberg Foundation has made an unrestricted operating support grant to further our mission to improve student health and increase readiness to learn.  We’re very pleased to be partnering with Annenberg, which has demonstrated its commitment to education and well-being for over 30 years. 

Last fall The Ahmanson Foundation awarded us a grant for furnishings and computers at Roybal Learning Center where over half the staff is located. This has already proved extremely helpful as we transition to remote work plans, and will be even more so when we reconvene on campus. 

Two recent grants have buoyed our activities: Insperity, our human resources services company, awarded a grant to support our Student Advisory Boards. The California Credit Union awarded a grant that will helps us upgrade and maintain key technical platforms like QuickBooks. These timely grants will support our student outreach during the current LAUSD closures, as well as into the coming school year.  

In addition to awarding these generous grants, all the funders acknowledged here have announced flexibility in regard to dates and fund restrictions in light of the COVID-19 environment. We applaud the efforts of our funders and express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who make these grants possible, Baum said. 

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News, The L.A. Trust Maryjane Puffer News, The L.A. Trust Maryjane Puffer

Mission Report from The L.A. Trust shows a year of progress


The L.A. Trust’s Mission Report sounds a hopeful note during a time of crisis.

The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health has released its first-ever Mission Report capturing a year of accomplishments and looking forward to “healthier days ahead.”

Executive Director Maryjane Puffer and Board President William Grice of Kaiser Permanente, observed that “the COVID-19 health crisis and economic downturn have been a dramatic reminder of how much depends on our education and healthcare systems.”

More than four in five Los Angeles Unified students live in poverty, the report notes, and there are wide disparities in healthcare access. “The COVID-19 crisis is severely worsening these dual hardships and students need our help more than ever.”

The report outlines how The L.A. Trust, working with its funders and allies, is bridging the worlds of health and education to achieve student wellness.

In last fiscal year 2018-2019, The L.A. Trust:

  • Launched The L.A. Trust Data xChange, which links confidential health and academic data to determine how student health affects student performance.

  • Partnered with the University of California San Francisco to launch a bilingual contraception awareness app for Latina teens.

  • Supported the growing network of Student and Family Wellness Centers on LAUSD campuses, with best practices, research and Learning Collaborative convenings.

  • Facilitated screenings for more than 1,700 kindergartners and third-graders at dozens of LAUSD elementary schools and provided oral health education throughout the district.

  • Worked with Student Advisory Board members and their Adult Allies at Wellness Center schools on issues like STD prevention, HPV vaccination and substance use.

  • Advocated for fresh foods and good nutrition, teaching more than 100 student and community nutrition courses, appearing at events like the Fremont Free Food Fair and promoting the benefits of drinking water.

  • Worked with community partners and student advocates to fight vaping, tobacco and substance use among LAUSD students.

“None of this would have been possible without the help of partners and allies,” said Anna Baum, director of development and communication. “We’re very grateful for their support, especially in times like these.”

Puffer gave special thanks to The L.A. Trust Board of Directors “who work selflessly so every L.A. student can have equal access to healthcare and an equal shot at success.”

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News, The L.A. Trust, Wellness Centers Maryjane Puffer News, The L.A. Trust, Wellness Centers Maryjane Puffer

Many Wellness Centers (and The L.A. Trust) will stay open

Many LAUSD Wellness Centers will remain open during the COVID-19 health crisis, according to a survey of the Wellness Network by The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health.

Gage Middle School
Jefferson (Wednesdays only)
Manual Arts
Washington Prep

Elizabeth Learning Center

Hollywood High

Locke Early Education Center
Santee Education Complex

*Some Wellness Centers have modified schedules. Call for details.

The County of Los Angeles advises anyone with flu-like symptoms to call their doctor or 2-1-1 to see if they need testing — they should not visit any healthcare facility without checking that it is safe for them to do so.

The L.A. Trust open

In a letter to stakeholders, The L.A. Trust announced it would remain open during the coronavirus emergency.

“This is an unprecedented time in our city, nation and world,” Executive Director Maryjane Puffer said. “As we all take steps to stop the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, we want you to know what The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health is doing in response:

  • The L.A. Trust is open for business during regular business hours, with staff working remotely. We will continue our day-to-day operations and reschedule on-campus and community outreach when we can safely resume these services.

  • We have postponed our Spring Wellness Network Learning Collaborative and cancelled our Summer Solstice 2020 fundraiser.

  • We will closely monitor the situation and provide updates from The L.A. Trust, the Los Angeles Unified School District and our Wellness Center and healthcare partners.

  • We will share fact-based content on how to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis that is impacting our students, communities, clinics and healthcare providers.

“Nothing is more important to The L.A. Trust than the health of our children — or the well-being of the educators and healthcare professionals who care for them,” Puffer said. “I want to thank them for all they’re doing to help our students and protect the health of our community in this difficult time.”

This story was updated March 27 at 9:30 am PDT.

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News, Partners, The L.A. Trust Maryjane Puffer News, Partners, The L.A. Trust Maryjane Puffer

A ground-breaking year for The L.A. Trust and its partners in student health


Maryjane Puffer joined students and community leaders at the groundbreaking for a new Student and Family Wellness Center at Mendez Learning Center December 15.


The year 2019 was a busy one for The Los Angeles Trust and its partners, and 2020 will be busier still. Thanks to its partners and stakeholders, last year The L.A. Trust:

  • Made final preparations for the launch of its ground-breaking Data xChange initiative, which will link confidential Wellness Center data with academic performance numbers to improve outcomes on both.

  • Supported LAUSD’s growing network of Student and Family Wellness Centers, helped dedicate new clinics at Santee Education Complex and other schools, and hosted two Learning Collaboratives where clinicians received critical data and best practices on student healthcare.

  • Provided oral health education and partnered with More L.A. Smiles to provide free dental screenings and interventions to thousands of kindergartners and third-graders at LAUSD elementary schools.

  • Supported anti-vaping and substance use education efforts across the District, assisting student outreach and hosting a Vaping 101 webinar series for clinicians and others.

  • Hosted a Youth2Youth Summit engaging 100 student health advocates and their adult allies from across the District.

  • Presented recipes, nutrition and food-shopping advice at more than 50 classroom and community events as part of the CalFresh Health Living initiative.

  • Worked with UCSF research staff on the development and delivery of the “Health-E You/Salud iTu,” an app-based contraception awareness program focused on Latina youth. The program resulted in a 117% increase in the use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (results will be published in leading health journals this year).

  • Partnered with leading healthcare organizations and announced important new program grants, driving the organization’s mission through 2021.

  • Hired new staff, including Marsha Ellis as director of programs; Rob Wray as associate director of communications and media; Mackenzie Scott as student engagement coordinator; and Danielle Griffin as student engagement assistant.

2020 vision

“We had a great 2019,” said Executive Director Maryjane Puffer, “and we have laid the groundwork for a truly breakthrough year in 2020.” 

She said The L.A. Trust has a new strategic plan, a new logo and a new mission statement: “Bridging the worlds of health and education to achieve student wellness.”

“We also have our first vision statement,” Puffer stated. “It’s ‘A world where every student is healthy and successful.’ We have always stood for this, but this is our northstar and it’s important to share it.”

Puffer said The L.A. Trust will reintroduce itself in the spring with a new website and a new awareness campaign. “The L.A. Trust believes nothing is more important to the future of our country than the health of our kids. In 2020, we will be better positioned than ever to help advance student health where it’s needed most.”

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News, The L.A. Trust, Grants & Funding, Partners Maryjane Puffer News, The L.A. Trust, Grants & Funding, Partners Maryjane Puffer

Kaiser grants $500,000 to The L.A. Trust for new solutions

The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health has announced a two-year, $500,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente to provide healthcare programs, foster healthy habits and generate insights to improve student health in Los Angeles public schools.

A portion of the grant will underwrite an innovative new Data xChange initiative that will link healthcare and educational performance data to find ways to improve healthcare strategies and educational outcomes. 

“This major grant will not only help us deliver on our promise of improving the health of the LAUSD communities we serve, it will give us the insights we need to design programs and services that connect better healthcare to improved educational performance,” said Maryjane Puffer, executive director of The L.A. Trust.

Kaiser fully committed

Will Grice

Will Grice

“At Kaiser Permanente we are committed to helping everyone in our communities achieve total health,” said Will Grice, senior vice president and area manager, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center.“That is why, through this grant, we’re proud to support The L.A. Trust in their efforts to increase access to oral health education, screenings and referrals for LAUSD students and their families, integrate healthy eating, active living programs into schools, and implement a system that measures the impact of health services on academic performance and attendance,” Grice said. “Together, we can work to reduce the disparity in access to quality health care in our communities.”

The mission of The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health is “to improve student health and increase readiness to learn through health care access, advocacy, and programs.” The independent 501c3 nonprofit organization supports 15 district-wide Wellness Centers and a variety of programs focused on preventative care, oral screenings and referrals, healthy living habits, mental health services and more. 

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